We value God: His Word, His Creation, His redemptive purposes in His son, his presence through the Holy Spirit and the imminent return of Christ.
We value “the lost” to whom we owe the compassion of Christ, an opportunity to receive the gospel, and entrance into Christian fellowship.
We value believers, their commitment to personal discipleship, their baptism in the Holy Spirit, their Christian family life, and their Christ-like example and witness.
We value the local assembly marked by sound doctrine, anointed proclamation, fervent prayer, divine healing, Spirit-led worship, authentic relationships, every-member ministry, Holy Spirit-empowered evangelism and practical expression of Christian faith in the world.
We value a cooperative fellowship that enhances the church’s ability to fulfill its missional mandate, through servant leadership, a shared vision, positive communication, relevant ministry and strategic mobilization of its resources.
We value the lost souls for this reason evangelism has been the lifestyles all members
We value social activities as a way member supports one another, and participating in communal work. The Church may also help the wider community by providing social needs such as health services, education, as well as donating to the needy in society.
We value respect for and obedience to authority (Spiritual, civil and governmental)
We value submission to corrective measures and policies of the Church
We value regular fellowship of the saints (Acts 2:42-47; Heb. 10:25).